Oct 27, 2010

WHY I AM LUCY.....................???????????

This is one scene of my home town my village,and from back side of my home.........Dantod
REAL NATURE.............REAL GREEN..........REAL LOVE OF SKY AND LAND..........ITS REAL HOME............

THATS WHY I AM LUCK............!!!!

Hundreds of prehistoric insects and other creatures have been discovered in a large haul of amber excavated from a coalmine in western India.

Hundreds of prehistoric insects and other creatures have been discovered in a large haul of amber excavated from a coalmine in western India.
Hundreds of prehistoric insects and other creatures have been discovered in a large haul of amber excavated from a coalmine in western India. An international team of fossil hunters recovered 150kg of the dirty brown resin from Cambay Shale in Gujarat province, making it one of the largest amber collections on record. The tiny animals became entombed in the fossilised tree resin some 52m years ago, before the Indian subcontinent crunched into Asia to produce the Himalayan mountain range.

Oct 19, 2010

Today I saved 80 pages.................REALLY YOU CAN TRY.......

Today I saved 80 pages by reducing margin of question paper before giving print.............

Earlier one question paper contain one page but.............i had change all margin and converted three question paper in one page and then given print.
So, after print i had cut page and get three question paper from one page. no doubt its take time but i had save some trees..............????????? how lets see..........


I have 120 student  = 120*1 (If I had not changed margin of one page question paper)=120 pages
but now.................120 student  = 120 * 1/3 (one page contain three question paper)= 40 pages

I will cut all 40 page = 40 pages* 3 question paper = 120 question paper (is equal to 120 student)

So net paper I had saved = 120 pages - 40 pages =80 pages.........may one small 

Oct 17, 2010

my Birthday Celebrated by My Student

my all GIM student had arranged my surprised birth day Part

thanks for their lovely...........and lovable efforts............to give one best birthday of life